
North Baltimore Journal

Friday, January 31, 2025

Baltimore County Council met September 4.

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Baltimore County Council met Sept. 4.

Here is the minutes provided by the Council:

A. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Jones at 6:07 P.M. The Chairman asked the audience to rise for a moment of silent meditation and the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

There were approximately 25 persons in attendance and the following Councilmembers were










Upon motion by Councilman Marks, seconded by Councilman Quirk, the reading of the Journal Entries for the meeting of August 6, 2018 were waived and accepted unanimously.


The Chairman stated that the following Bill was passed by the County Council and signed by the County Executive. He certified and delivered to the Secretary, Bill 55-18.


Bill 65-18, entitled An Act for the purpose of amending the 2019 Current Expense Budget, by appropriating to the Gifts and Grants Special Revenue Fund monies derived from federal funds made available to the County through the Assistance to Firefighters Grant from the United States Department of Homeland Security, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

Bill 66-18, entitled An Act for the purpose of exempting a certain portion of the Honeygo District from the prohibition on panhandle lots in the Honeygo Area; and generally relating to the Honeygo Area and panhandle lots.

Bill 67-18, entitled An Act for the purpose of requiring the Director of Recreation and Parks to consult with the Director of Environmental Protection and Sustainability with respect to the regulation of certain activities and the protection of certain resources in or on County park property; and generally relating to the regulation of activities in County parks.

Bill 68-18, entitled An Act for the purpose of allowing certain approved erosion and sediment control plans and stormwater management plans or permits to be governed by the stormwater management law and regulations in effect at the time of the approval if not otherwise subsequently abrogated or superseded by other law; and generally relating to Stormwater Management.

Bill 69-18, entitled An Act for the purpose of establishing a tax credit for certain public safety officers under certain conditions; defining certain terms; establishing eligibility criteria and the terms and conditions of the credit; providing for the amount and duration of the credit; providing for an application procedure and administration of the credit; providing for the termination of the credit; and generally relating to property tax credits.

Bill 70-18, entitled An Act for the purpose of establishing a tax credit for certain public safety officers under certain conditions; defining certain terms; establishing eligibility criteria and the terms and conditions of the credit; providing for the amount of the credit; providing for an application procedure and administration of the credit; and generally relating to property tax credits.


Bill 58-18, CEB – MIEMSS Active Threat and Assailant Program, was called. Kyrle Preis appeared. There being no discussion, this Bill passed by the following roll call vote:

Aye - Quirk, Almond, Kach, Jones, Marks, Bevins, Crandell Nay - None

Bill 59-18, CEB – Summer Program & Community Arts Development, was called. Fronda Cohen appeared. There being no discussion, this Bill passed by the following roll call vote:

Aye - Quirk, Almond, Kach, Jones, Marks, Bevins, Crandell Nay - None

Bill 60-18, This Bill was withdrawn prior to the meeting. Bill 61-18, This Bill was withdrawn prior to the meeting.

Bill 62-18, Parking, was called. Councilman Marks commented. There being no further discussion, this Bill passed by the following roll call vote:

Aye - Quirk, Almond, Kach, Jones, Marks, Bevins, Crandell Nay - None

Bill 63-18, This Bill was withdrawn prior to the meeting.

Bill 64-18, Zoning Regulations – Honeygo Subarea Limits, was called. Councilman

Quirk moved to amend this Bill with the following amendment:

1. On page 2, in line 12, after “Forge Haven”, strike “Lane” and substitute “DRIVE”. 

Councilman Marks seconded the motion and these amendments passed by the following roll call vote:

Aye - Quirk, Almond, Kach, Jones, Marks, Bevins, Crandell Nay - None

Thereafter, upon motion by Councilman Quirk, seconded by Councilwoman Almond, Bill 64-18, as amended, passed by the following roll call vote:

Aye - Quirk, Almond, Kach, Jones, Marks, Bevins, Crandell Nay - None


The Chairman stated that the Council would now consider Fiscal Matters. Extensive testimony on each item was taken at the Council’s work session on August 28, 2018. The witnesses who testified at the work session were available to restate their testimony if needed. If a Councilmember had any questions regarding a particular Fiscal Matter, that item would be discussed as a separate matter. Chairman Jones then called upon the Secretary to read the cover letters for Fiscal Matters 1 through 5.

1. Addendum to Contract – Bayland Consultants & Designers Inc. – Monitoring of SAV/engineering svcs.-DEPS

An addendum to the contract with Bayland Consultants & Designs Inc., to increase the total amount of the agreement. The contractor will continue to assist the department with the monitoring of SAV engineering services for the design waterway dredging projects.

2. Contract – Blackjack Trucking, LLC – Snow removal and salt application services – DPW

A contract with Blackjack Trucking, LLC to provide snow removal and salt application services.

3. Contracts – (2) – In-home respite care/chore services – homebound seniors – AGING

Two contracts with AME Home Care, LLC and Marie Care Services Inc., to provide personal in-home respite care and chore services to low and moderate income, homebound senior citizens in Baltimore County.

4. Contract – All the Best Care Assisting Living Inc. – Assisted living services – AGING

A contract with All the Best Care assisted Living Inc., to provide assisted living services of Baltimore County residents 62 years of age or older who meet income and eligibility requirements.

5. Contract of Sale – John and Marlene Cumor – drainage/utility easement – 1833 Clearwood Ave., 21234-REC

A contract of sale with John and Marlene Cumor, for the acquisition of a drainage and utility easement, located at 1833 Clearwood Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland 21234.

There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Quirk, seconded by Councilwoman Almond, Fiscal Matters 1 through 5 were unanimously approved.


1. Correspondence - Non-Competitive Awards

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read the correspondence from the Office of Budget and Finance listing the non-competitive awards made during July, 2018.

2. Res. 72-18 – Support of Application – Designation -Regional Institution Strategic Enterprise Zone (RISE)-Towson

This Resolution was withdrawn prior to the meeting.

3. Res. 73-18 – Planned Unit Development – Keller Road, LLC – Woodholme Center II

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution of the Baltimore County Council to approve the review of a proposed planned unit development in accordance with County law. Councilwoman Almond commented. There being no further discussion, upon motion by Councilwoman Almond, seconded by Councilman Jones, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

4. Res. 74-18 – Planned Unit Development – Herman & Kittle Properties Inc.- Sycamore Springs Senior Apartments

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution of the Baltimore County Council to approve the review of a proposed planned unit development in accordance with County law. Councilman Crandell commented. There being no further discussion, upon motion by Councilman Crandell, seconded by Councilwoman Almond, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

5. Res. 75-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – David May

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from David May, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Crandell, seconded by Councilwoman Almond, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

6. Res. 76-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Leslie P. Dowling

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Leslie P. Dowling, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Kach, seconded by Councilman Quirk, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

7. Res. 77-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Raymond F. Munk, Jr

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Raymond F. Munk, Jr., who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Crandell, seconded by Councilman Quirk, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

8. Res. 78-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Robert J. Green

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Robert J. Green, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Kach, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

9. Res. 79-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – David R. Smith

This Resolution was withdrawn prior to the meeting.

10. Res. 80-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Anthony E. Miller

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Anthony E. Miller, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Kach, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

11. Res. 81-18 – Property Tax Exemption – BLIND – Sylvia B Eyster

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Sylvia B. Eyster, who is entitled to a partial exemption from State and County real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to blind persons under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilwoman Bevins, seconded by Councilman Quirk, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

12. Res. 82-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Michael A. Matthews

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Michael A. Matthews, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilwoman Almond, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

13. Res. 83-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Alvin Stone

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Alvin Stone, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Crandell, seconded by Councilman Quirk, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

14. Res. 84-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Wayne S. Hebron

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Wayne S. Hebron, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Kach, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

15. Res. 85-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – O’Neal Johnson

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from O’Neal Johnson, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilwoman Almond, seconded by Councilman Quirk, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

16. Res. 86-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Henry McCoy

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Henry McCoy, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilwoman Almond, seconded by Councilman Jones, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

17. Res. 87-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Jonathan Chung

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Jonathan Chung, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Quirk, seconded by Councilman Crandell, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

18. Res. 88-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – James Kailie

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from James Kailie, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Quirk, seconded by Councilwoman Almond, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

19. Res. 89-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – Thomas R. Rainier

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Thomas R. Rainier to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Jones, seconded by Councilman Kach, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

20. Res. 90-18 – Property Tax Exemption – BLIND – Richard M. Graves

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from Richard M. Graves, who is entitled to a partial exemption from State and County real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to blind persons under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilman Marks, seconded by Councilman Quirk, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

21. Res. 91-18 – Property Tax Exemption – DAV – John Jackson

At the direction of the Chairman, the Secretary read this Resolution to approve the refund of certain real property taxes collected from John Jackson, who is entitled to an exemption from real property taxes by reason of the exemption afforded to disabled veterans under State law. There being no discussion, upon motion by Councilwoman Almond, seconded by Councilman Quirk, this Resolution was unanimously approved.

22. Res. 92-18 – Approval of applications and ranking of (13) Agricultural Easements – Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation

This Resolution was for introduction only.

There being no further business to come before the Council at this time, upon motion by Councilwoman Almond, seconded by Councilman Quirk, the meeting adjourned at 6:28 P.M.




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