Baltimore County Board of Education met Nov. 20.
Here is the minutes provided by the board:
The Board of Education of Baltimore County held a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, November 20, 2018, at 5 p.m., Building E, 6901 Charles Street, Towson, Maryland. Vice Chair Nicholas Stewart, Esquire, and the following Board members were present: Ms. Kathleen S. Causey, Ms. June Eaton, Ms. Julie C. Henn, Mr. Charles McDaniels, Jr., Mr. David Uhlfelder, Stephen L. Verch, Esquire, Mr. Emory Young, and Interim Superintendent, Ms. Verletta White.
Pursuant to the Annotated Code of Maryland, General Provisions Article, §3-305 (b)(1) and (b)(7)(8), upon motion of Mr. Verch, seconded by Mr. Uhlfelder, and approved unanimously, the Board commenced its closed session at 5:01 p.m. Vice Chair Nicholas Stewart, Esquire, and the following Board members were present: Ms. Kathleen S. Causey, Ms. June Eaton, Ms. Julie C. Henn, Mr. Charles McDaniels, Jr., Mr. David Uhlfelder, Stephen L. Verch, Esquire, and Mr. Emory Young. In addition, Interim Superintendent, Ms. Verletta White, and the following staff members were present: Mr. D. Mychael Dickerson, Chief of Staff; Mr. Kevin D. Smith, Chief Administrative and Operations Officer; Dr. Mary McComas, Interim Chief Academic Officer; Dr. John Mayo, Chief Human Resources Officer; Margaret-Ann F. Howie, Esquire, General Counsel; Andrew Nussbaum, Esquire, Counsel to the Board of Education; Ms. Tracy Gover, Senior Executive Assistant to the Board, and Ms. Brenda Stiffler, Senior Executive Assistant.
Dr. Mayo presented personnel matters to be considered at tonight’s meeting, which included retirements and resignations.
Ms. Ann Miller entered the room at 5:03 p.m.
Mr. Nussbaum provided legal advice concerning the Maryland State Board of Education’s opinion and order regarding litigation with Watershed Public Charter School Inc.
Mr. Stewart presented the Board’s closed session minutes of Thursday, November 8, 2018, for review and consideration.
The Board adjourned its closed session at 5:46 p.m.
In accordance with the Education Transparency Act, Md. Ed. Code Ann., §3-2B-09(b)(3) (effective July 1, 2018), the following represents a full and accurate description of the final actions of the Board of Education taken at this public meeting of Tuesday, November 20, 2018. If there is a discrepancy between the video and this description, the video, which constitutes the official minutes of the meeting, shall control. The official minutes can be found online at
Ms. Miller moved to add an agenda item to discuss the “modification of the motion to protect system records from destruction.” The motion was seconded by Ms. Henn. The motion failed.
The agenda was adopted as presented.
Proposed 2019-2020 School Calendar
Mr. Stewart moved to adopt the proposed 2019-2020 School Calendar “with the contingency that, to the extent an agreement is reached to add an additional 15 minutes, that the calendar will be revisited and revised at that time.” Mr. Uhlfelder seconded the motion. The motion failed.
Personnel Matters
On the motion of Mr. McDaniels, seconded by Ms. Eaton, the Board unanimously approved the personnel matters listed in exhibit H-1 and H-2.
Watershed Public Charter School Inc.
On the motion of Mr. McDaniels, seconded by Ms. Miller, the Board granted contingent approval of the Watershed Public Charter School Inc.’s application to establish a public charter school. (favor – 8).
The Board adjourned its meeting at 8:16 p.m.